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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-04-29  |  93KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (256 colors)
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OCR: Source lists the names of the regressor terms (effects). Estimate the current parameter estimate. . It missing (.) the effect not currently in the model. nDF is the number of degrees of freedom for term. term has more than one degree of freedom if its entry in model also forces other terms into the model. ss the reduction in the error (residual) SS if the term entered into the model or the increase in the error SS the term removed from the model. The negative the term already in the model. if term restricted in some fashion it may have a reported zero. "Prob>F" is the significance level associated with th statistic Like the Ratio" it quotes because not to be trusted real significance probability. Ratio" the traditional test statistic to test that the term effect zero. the square of a t-rat ...